

Flacone 125 ml

A refreshing emollient and moisturizing lotion with kelp and chamomile azulene that successfully soothes pruritus and burns, for a pleasant sense of freshness and relief. The properties of azulene make the product an ideal adjuvant to treat skin irritation arising from direct physical contact with nappies or any other external agent (insect bites, medusa cauterizations). An ideal lotion to treat skin reddening related to exposure to sunlight or to radiotherapy, for a healthy, fresh and velvety appearance.
As often as needed, massage the product on clean and dry skin and let it act until absorbed. Variation in colour is not is indicative of a deterioration.



Pruriti “sine materia” e pruriti uremici nei soggetti dializzati.
In tutti i tipi di irritazioni dermiche da agenti esterni.
Herpes zoster in fase essiccativa.

Eritemi: solari o allergici.
Eritemi e irritazioni da pannolini.

Ostetricia e Ginecologia
Pruriti durante la gravidanza dovuti dalla distensione della parete addominale oppure a causa di colecisti.
Durante trattamento con contraccettivi.

Prenota parco termale Prenota parco termale